Joining The Group
If you are interested in your young person joining one of the sections, the best way is to email [email protected] with your contact details and information about the young person. We do sometimes have waiting lists, but you will receive a prompt reply from our administrator and hopefully your young person will be joining the group soon. When a young person first joins the group, there are up to four trial weeks to see how they get on before subs become payable.
These are payable from one month after a young person joins the group and are paid monthly, in advance by standing order. The current monthly amount is £15 per child (every month). An element of the subscription goes to District, County and National funds, to pay for their membership of the wider organisation. This sum is called “capitation” and accounts for one third of our outgoing costs. The remainder is used to help fund the sections activities and cover costs of running the group. All leaders are volunteers and no one gets paid
While we think that £15 a month is extremely good value, we appreciate that some people may be worse off than others, especially when it comes to the cost of camp fees. We will not exclude any child from joining our group as a result of financial difficulties and we can usually arrange payment by instalments or occasionally reduced rates. We have a uniform recycling scheme which sells second hand uniform and can help keep costs down. You are welcome to discuss any such issues, in confidence, with the Section Leader, Treasurer or Group Scout Leader.
Subs are paid by people setting up a standing order and transferring £15 per month (every month) to our bank account using a recognisable reference including the childs name e.g. SubsFredBloggs
Our Bank Account is 1st Ferring (St Andrews) Sea Scout Group 20-98-74 No: 63540561
If the event that you need a standing order form for your bank, here is one you can download.
If you have any questions about subscriptions or finance, please contact our Group Treasurer via e-mail [email protected]
In addition to subscriptions, we raise some of the money we need by fundraising activities. The more successful these are, the lower we can keep subscriptions – so, please do help as much as possible when asked to get involved in fundraising activities.
Each section has their own uniform which you can find out about if you look at the Section Pages of this site. If you still have queries the Section Leader will be happy to tell you more. All sections wear a group scarf which is presented to members when they are invested. In addition to this, we like to encourage our young people to have a Group Polo Shirt which is a useful alternative to formal uniform for more active sessions and for summer meetings. These can be ordered via your Section Leader.
On special occasions such as Church Parade, Remembrance Day, St George’s Day Parade and at official village functions, we expect the best possible turnout, “Smart Uniform”, this means best upper uniform but also ‘School’ dark trousers/skirts and ‘School’ black shoes.
Of course the online Scout shop is also very convenient and you can shop here in the knowledge that all profits go back into scouting. Scout Shop