Scouts are a go-getting group of young people aged
10 ½ to 14 who:
- Master new skills and try new things
- Make new friends
- Have fun and go on adventures, at home and abroad
- Explore the world around them
- Help others and make a difference, in their own communities and beyond
Week in and week out, they gather in groups called Scout Troops to conquer the small task of changing the world.
Scouts start small but think big. They stand up for what they believe in and make a difference on their doorstops, confident in the knowledge that their daily actions add up. In a society that can often feel increasingly isolated and inward facing, Scouts build bridges and break barriers. Throughout history, they’ve played all sorts of useful roles in society, and this legacy continues today.
Scouts seek out the answers to the big questions, and to the smaller questions that don’t seem to matter but really should. Most importantly, they say yes more often than they say no – whether they’re taking part in their first ever camp away from home, or writing their first line of code, or accepting the last of the toasted marshmallows.
At 1st Ferring we a Sea Scout Troop, which means that we make sure every Scout learns some basic nautical skills and we take opportunities to get them on the water when we can (at least once a year).
Here is some information about uniform and the positioning badges. Our Sea Scouts wear a blue jumper, white cap and blue group polo shirt.
Scouts meets in term time on a Tuesday Night between 6.45 and 8.45pm. We regularly have camps. Here is an example of our program.

There is much more detail about what’s on and where to meet if you log onto the Parent Portal of Online Scout Manager using this link; OSM
Online Scout Manager is the database we use to keep records of the young people’s progress, publish events, keep badge records and contact details right up to date. If you have not been sent a unique link to access your child’s “Myscout” records on Online Scout Manager, email our administrator and a new email with link can be sent to you. [email protected]