We rely entirely on adult volunteers to lead all our sections and to be responsible for all our administration.
From time to time, parents will receive appeals for help. Please try to do whatever you can to ease the burden on those who do volunteer. If you cannot help or your time is limited, please think whether you can persuade friends or relatives to help us. We do appreciate that all parents are busy people and realise that everyone has both professional and personal commitments, but we are very good at working around these and fitting your help to Scouting around these other commitments. Even if you can only help one night a month, you could be a useful part of the team – Flexible Volunteering is something that the Scout Organisation embrace.
Without lots of help, we will be unable to provide the very best Scouting to all our children. Some of the ways in which you can help are listed below. If you have a particular skill that you could bring to young people – please do let us know about it. Even if you think you have no particular skills, you could be a great scouter. All you need is positivity and a willingness to learn.
Some ways in which you could help:
- Uniformed leaders in sections. Manage the section, attend regularly and responsible for the delivery of the programme.
- Section assistants may choose to be uniformed or not. Support the leaders in the delivery of activities and undertake admin tasks.
- Occasional helpers. Provide occasional support to the running of activities.
- Group Executive Committee. The Group Executive Committee has many responsibilities – they are the Group Charity Trustees – and are responsible for group policies, financial management and fundraising.
- Skills instructors. If you have skills or qualifications in almost any activity, we would love to hear from you. Sailing, kayaking, climbing, cooking, arts & crafts etc.
- Administrative support. Not all leaders are wonderful administrators. Having someone to keep records, order badges and generally look after admin for the section can be a great assistance.
- Garden Maintenance. Our garden area needs attention from time to time to keep it clear and tidy and safe place for out young people to enjoy. Could you mow the lawn or pick some weeds? You can work out and keep fit at the same time!
- Window Cleaning. In each group, we ask our young people to tidy up after themselves, washing down worktops and hoovering the carpet after a messy activity but our windows need a half termly wash.
- Anything else you can think of to help the Group. Contact the Group Scout Leader to see how your skills can be put to good use in the interests of your Scout Group.
Could you Help?
Please do what you can. Volunteering is Great Fun! To learn more you can contact us or check out the Scout UK Website here.